by Shashi Dhar Kumar | May 18, 2014 | HTACCESS, JavaScript, MySQL, Open-Source, PHP, Ubuntu, Unix OS, Windows
What is Security? Fundamentally, security is not about perfectly secure systems. Such a thing might well be impractical, or impossible to find and/or maintain. A secure server protects the privacy, integrity, and availability of the resources under the server...
by Shashi Dhar Kumar | Jan 28, 2011 | Windows
Having a Secured VPN (Virtual Private Networking) server is great, especially for businesses with many offices or if you own two homes or you can take help for developer from remote site. How can you connect to these VPNs free? Well I will tell you about my experience...
by Shashi Dhar Kumar | Jan 24, 2011 | Ubuntu, Unix OS, Windows
Enable htacces localhost – How to Enable htaccess in xampp (localhost)? Just go the Terminal and follow the following steps I enabled mod re-write by typing below command and restart the apache server. sudo a2enmod rewrite Now restart your apache2 by typing...