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Having a Secured VPN (Virtual Private Networking) server is great, especially for businesses with many offices or if you own two homes or you can take help for developer from remote site. How can you connect to these VPNs free? Well I will tell you about my experience about this that how you can with Windows XP Networking connect to any VPN site for free and with ease. Connecting to a VPN Remotely :

Making the Connection

Making the connection to a Remote VPN can be a chore and pricey, well that is if you do not have Windows XP Pro or greater. Windows XP Pro (even 64 bit) allows you to connect to a Secured VPN Network for free. Lets get started:

  1. Click Start
  2. Goto Settings – Network Connections
  3. Create a New Connection
  4. Select “Connect to a Network at my Workplace”
  5. Select Virtural Private Network Connection
  6. Type in a name for this connection
  7. Do Not Dial the Initial Connection (Unless you want to)
  8. Host Name or IP Address: Type in the IP or Hostname of the Remote VPN you are trying to connect to.
  9. If you want a shortcut on the desktop, check the checkbox. If not click finish.

Now you have a connection to your remote VPN server thanks to Windows XP.

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